2017 Program & Parking

The tournament program is now available!

A few notes about field access and parking:

Please realize that violation of driving and/or parking rules is grounds for your entire team to be ejected, immediately, from the event. 

  • You must drive 15mph or slower on Island Pond Road. This is the ONLY access road to the field. (Seriously). The road is not long. Please take your time and drive super slow. Please.
  • The parking lot is immediately to the left upon entering the field complex. All vehicles must park in the lot except for large busses.
  • Busses (only!) can park in the lower parking area down by the water. This lot is to the right after you enter the complex. Please, ONLY busses can park by the water. Busses must park on the field side of the parking lot and not the dock side – leaving enough room so that boaters could still park on the dock side.
  • Not sure if you should park in a particular spot? If so, don’t park there.
  • Parking attendants will be on hand.