The Friday, April 26th paperwork deadline is FAST approaching!
Please make sure you have completed all of your tournament paperwork by 6pm ES T that day!
The Friday, April 26th paperwork deadline is FAST approaching!
Please make sure you have completed all of your tournament paperwork by 6pm ES T that day!
With the addition of the Watchung Girls (NJ), we’re now at 28 girls teams!
We are thrilled to be the largest HS girls ultimate tournament ever held. Anywhere. Ever.
And… we have space for more teams! Spread the word and help us get to 32 girls teams! How cool would that be?!?
It’s likely that this year’s event will be the largest HS girls ultimate event ever held. Anywhere. Ever. How cool is that? We’re currently at 27 girls teams! #thefutureisfemale
The Oxbow field site is spectacular. Nothing beats playing ultimate surrounded by New England perfection!
PVI2019 is going to be amazing!
So, what are you waiting for? Put in a bid today!
With the addition of St. Johnsbury Academy (VT) and HB Woodlawn (VA), the girls division is now at 25 teams spanning 8 states and 2 Canadian provinces! Help spread the word! We’d LOVE to get to 32 girls teams!
With the addition of teams such at Columbia JVA, Westfield, and Newton North (Boys), and Needham (Girls), we’re now at 23 girls teams and 31 boys teams spanning 8 states and 2 Canadian provinces! We’re getting close to our team cap! Submit your bid before it’s too late!
With the addition of teams from Montreal, Needham, and PVPA, we’re now at 22 girls teams and 24 boys teams spanning 8 states and 2 Canadian provinces!
Bids are accepted on a rolling basis until we’re full… which is coming up soon!
With the addition of @wilsonulti (Washington, DC) and @Hartsbrook (Hadley, MA) we’re now at 19 girls teams and 21 boys teams spanning 8 states and 2 Canadian provinces! Submit your bid today to make sure you get in on the EPIC fun!
15 girls teams and 17 boys teams spanning 6 states and Canada have bid to the 6th annual PVI!
9 girls teams and 11 boys teams spanning 6 states have so far bid to the 6th annual PVI! Teams are accepted on a rolling basis, so make sure you submit your bid before we fill up!
The 100+ volunteers and I thank you for being such wonderful teams! We couldn’t be happier with how things turned out, and a HUGE part of the success of the event is because of teams like yours!
If possible, please forward this message to all members of your team.
Some good stuff for you:
1) To answer the question we know you’ve been wanting to ask, yes, you sure can follow Mabel and Buffy on Instagram!
2) We’d like everyone that attended the event — players, coaches, chaperones, spectators — to fill out this short online feedback survey. The information you submit will helps us build an even better event in 2019! We know that filling out feedback surveys can be a drag, but know that the best way for us to improve the event, by far, is to hear from you.
3) Mark your calendars for May 18th and 19th, 2019! That’s when we’ll be holding the 6th annual PVI! The event will be back at the Oxbow!
4) We’d love to see any and all photos and video that you took this weekend. Please post whatever you can share to the PVI Facebook page. You can also send files directly to us using this link.
5) Please look over the reported game scores. Let me know via email ( if you see any numbers that aren’t right. At this point I have posted all submitted game scores as well as all spirit results. All game scores were also reported on Girls, Boys
6) Here’s what was left in the lost and found. If you recognize any items, please email Sheldon (, the keeper of the Lost & Found with your address. Shipping on most items to most locations will run $7.50. Items not claimed by June 1st will be donated to charity.
7) All spirit scores are now online (XLS: Girls Division, Boys Division) and embedded below. I will be directly emailing each team their written comments in the next few weeks.
[Green means above average for the division and red means below average for the division. Orange means the high score for that column.]
Thank you again for attending the 5th annual Pioneer Valley Invitational!
See ya’ll on the field!
– Buffy, Mabel, and Josh