PVI2022 Captains’ Meeting

Thank you for coming!

A HUGE thanks to:

Executive Committee: Josh Seamon, Lee Feldscher, Jonah Zuckerman

Team Boxes Chair: Melissa Grenier

Traffic and Parking Chair: Mary Clark

Water Chair: Michael Filas

Merchandise Chair: Noel Raley

Waste/Recycling Chair: Stephen Taranto

Food Chair: Amy Langdon

Fields Chair: Judd Gledhill

USA Ultimate for their continued support, without which this event would not happen!

…and the army of volunteers that make the PVI possible. Please say thanks to all the volunteers you see… they are doing a ton of work! [Have them raise their hands, call them out.]

I’m Josh, I’m the TD. You *may* have received a few emails from me over the past few weeks, months… and possibly years.

This is Karin: She’s the scorekeeper. [617-797-5627.] 

Our trainers are:           

Mieka Davis [(508) 277-4156]

Sarah Carver [(508) 954-8123] (Sun only)        

Please add them to your contacts on your phone..

Find us all during the event and say hi! Call us with questions!

Some number for y’all:

55 Teams, 6 states, 2 provinces, 19 fields, 1,020 players, 161 games, 20 acres, just under 4 miles of painted lines.

The big thing: Know the tournament schedule and program! Know where your team needs to be at what time. Understand how the schedule works. Understand how the event works.

Some important items:

  1. Be careful on Island Road. Drive slow. Only park at the fields. Minimize trips to and from the fields.
  2. Please know the schedule.
  3. Please know the program.
  4. Some of these fields are being used for the first time today since the spring floods, so there could be debris or trash on the fields. Please have your teams line up on the back end zone line and walk the entire field to pick up anything that shouldn’t be there before you start your first game.
  5. Start and cap your games on time. 
    1. No softcaps
    2. No horns
    3. Text in your scores to Karin at 617-797-5627.
  6. All games must be played except the Saturday crossover games. Crossover games can be skipped if BOTH teams agree AND they get permission from Josh.
  7. Please set alarms on your phones for hard cap. 
  8. No dangerous plays, spiking, poor language, or bad behavior. At all. Just don’t. I will eject your entire team.
  9. Bring full water bottle each day. We’ll have water towers all over the place, but anything you can do to help would be appreciated.
  10. Weather: 5 horn blasts = get to your cars, wait for call/5 horn blasts. Text/@PVInvite/Email will be sent out with updates.
  11. Keep sidelines clear. Nothing, at all — even players! — within 3 feet of any sideline. All hard objects — tents, chairs, must be at least 7 yards from any sideline. That means most chairs and tents will need to be out the back of endzones.
  12. You’ll find water on the sidelines. If your jugs are empty please contact Michael Filas at (413) 320-8836.
  13. Gatorade and extra food is at tourney central.
  14. When you leave a sideline, please leave it cleaner than you found it.
  15. This year, we are banning all disposable plastic water bottles, Gatorade bottles, and single-serve cups. This is a BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle) event.
  16. Opponent late? Assess a point for every 3 minutes they are late.
  17. A chaperone must be with your team at ALL times. You cannot leave your team unattended at any tournament location or event.
  18. Please, please, please return your completed spirit score sheet prompt at the end of your games on Saturday and Sunday.
  19. Please drive carefully on Island road! 15mph at the most!
  20. Thank you sponsors: VC, Henshaw Farms, Friction Gloves, Northampton HS Athletics, and most importantly the Oxbow Marina. 
  21. Please make sure you promptly report your game and spirit scores after each round to Karin at 617-797-5627. 
  22. We have AMAZING merch made by VC! Make sure to visit the tent!
  23. The next PVI will take place on May 13th and 14th, 2023!


Friday night update

This weekend’s weather

Please email or call Josh if you have any last-minute questions. (802-748-9857 / josh@pvinvite.org)

Please drive 15mph on Island Rd.

Someone from each team needs to check in when they arrive.

Every team needs to send at least one representative to one of the three captain’s meetings.

Did you know four people at the event have 4 digit USAU ID numbers? Whoa.

6:45am: Gates open up at the Oxbow. Please do not show up before 6:45am
6:45 to 7:25am: Check in for all teams that are playing during the 1st round
7:30 to 7:35am: Captain’s meeting for all teams that are playing during the 1st round
8:00am: Round 1 begins
8:10 to 8:55am: Check in for all teams that have a 1st round bye
9:00 to 9:05am: Captain’s meeting for all teams that have a 1st round bye
9:30am: Round 2 begins
10:30am: Captain’s meeting for all teams that have a 1st and 2nd round bye
4:40pm: Hard cap on round 6
6:30pm: Hard cap on round 7

7:00am: Gates open up at the Oxbow. Please do not show up before 7:00am.
8:00am: Round 1 begins
3:10pm: Hard cap on round 12
4:40pm: Hard cap on round 13
5:20pm: Awards ceremony

The fields this afternoon!

Thursday afternoon update

Mark your calendars! PVI2023 will be on May 13th and 14th, 2023!

Please make sure you drive 15mph or slower on Island Rd! (Getting the sense that this is important? :))

Lee the Legend!

Rebooting an event of this size is challenging and incredibly rewarding. A big reason the event happens at all — probably the biggest — is Lee the Legend ™. Some of the extraordinary work he does is mow our 20 acres of fields and put down all the field lines… all 3.9 MILES of lines. So, make sure to say hi to Lee his weekend!

One way you can help us out is by walking the fields you’re assigned to BEFORE you use them for playing. This weekend is the first time in several years the fields have all been used, and given that they are on a flood plain, they tend to gather random detritus. We’ve cleared as much as we can, but given the size of the area, we could use your help making sure each field is clear.

Is your online roster perfect? If not and your online roster is locked, please contact Emily at USA Ultimate (emily@hq.usaultimate.org) and let her know the edits you need to make. Keep in mind that at this point not all edits will be possible. Please be very specific with the info you send to her.

The following teams have players with missing memberships:
Boys: Lexington V, Lexington JV
Girls: Needham A, Northfield Mount Hermon V

The word from USA Ultimate is that these teams need to get the memberships taken care of or remove the players from the roster.

Drones are not allowed at the Oxbow.

Unfortunately, dogs are also not allowed at the Oxbow unless they are registered support animals.

Are you and your team deeply familiar with the schedule and program?

During the event scores will be posted on the schedule spreadsheet.

While we would like to have the event created on ScoreReport.net, we don’t currently have the bandwidth to create the pages. That being said, if someone would like to dig in and create the pages, please let us know! Not only would you earn our appreciation by picking up this task, we’d be happy to give you two tournament discs in return! Let us know!

Thursday morning update

If your team has any allergies we should be aware of when we’re putting together your team box, let us know asap.

The following teams need to submit their bid fee before games begin on Saturday. You can hand off a check to Josh or you can send in your bid fee digitally using PayPal (sales@ultimategood.org). If you send in your bid fee using PayPal, please make sure you list your team name and division (be specific) in the memo field AND email josh@pvinvite.org the confirmation of payment from PayPal.

BlazeYouth Boys
IgniteYouth Boys
Lexington JVYouth Boys
Lexington VYouth Boys
Needham AYouth Girls
Needham AYouth Boys
Needham BYouth Boys
ScorchYouth Boys
SharonYouth Girls
SharonYouth Boys
Wicked EastYouth Girls
Wicked WestYouth Girls

Unreal tourney gear!

Once again, VC Ultimate has created a ridiculously awesome slew of PVI gear!

Many different items will be for sale at the event, but we project that some of the more popular items will sell out fast… so… some of those items are already up for sale right here!

Online orders must be placed by May 22nd.

Wednesday morning update

Good morning everyone!

Here’s what you need to know on this bright and sunny morning:

  1. Please, please, please make sure you drive 15mph or slower on Island Rd. Please make sure you emphasize this information with everyone in your group.
  2. Many field assignments have been updated in the last 24 hours. Lee and I took a very deep dive into where games were scheduled and did our absolute best to optimize assignments. While we do not predict we will make any more field assignment changes, it is possible, so please make sure you check your field assignments on Saturday morning.
  3. Please make sure your online event rosters are perfect. As far as I know rosters are going to be locked today or tomorrow morning. If you’re running into trouble at this point, please contact Emily Woolridge (emily@hq.usaultimate.org) for assistance immediately.
  4. Know the schedule, know the schedule, know the schedule.
  5. It’s looking like the weather will be hot and at time wet this weekend. Please plan accordingly. Yes, you can set up tents as long as they are at least 10 yards away from any sideline.
  6. Each team will receive a food box with apples, bananas, cookies, pretzels, bread, peanut butter, and nutella. Teams with nut allergies can be given sunflower butter and fruit spread in lieu of the nutella and peanut butter.
  7. The main food tent will have additional peanut butter/nutella/jam sandwiches, bananas, apples, watermelon, pickles, gatorade, and bagels/cream cheese in the mornings {limited quantity}. There will also be nut free foods {sunflower seed butter, etc} kept separate from rest in a dedicated cooler.
  8. Unfortunately, we will not have food for sale at the event. Teams will need to plan their meals accordingly.

  • Josh & Lee

Schedule! Program!

The schedule has been finalized!

The program is now online!

Please look over each document in detail and let me know if you have any questions.

Is your event roster perfect? Please make sure it is. As far as I know USA Ultimate is going to lock rosters tomorrow.

6:45am: Gates open up at the Oxbow. Please do not show up before 6:45am
6:45 to 7:25am: Check in for all teams that are playing during the 1st round
7:30 to 7:35am: Captain’s meeting for all teams that are playing during the 1st round
8:00am: Round 1 begins
8:10 to 8:55am: Check in for all teams that have a 1st round bye
9:00 to 9:05am: Captain’s meeting for all teams that have a 1st round bye
9:30am: Round 2 begins
10:30am: Captain’s meeting for all teams that have a 1st and 2nd round bye
4:40pm: Hard cap on round 6
6:30pm: Hard cap on round 7

7:00am: Gates open up at the Oxbow. Please do not show up before 7:00am.
8:00am: Round 1 begins
3:10pm: Hard cap on round 12
4:40pm: Hard cap on round 13
5:20pm: Awards ceremony

DRAFT Schedule & Rankings, Round 2!

Thanks for all your quick work finding some typos and sending in some GREAT suggestions regarding ranking and scheduling!

Updated rankings and schedule are now live.

They are NOT yet final, but we’re getting there! I’m still aiming to lock things in by tomorrow night!


  • Rankings updated with new RRI scores and written comments from coaches.
  • Some cross over games added back in for the girls/non-binary division. (This makes it so all teams get at least 3 games on Saturday and all girl/non-binary teams have the chance to win their A division.)

Please send in any and all comments in the next 36 hours!

Here’s another shot of the fields from yesterday evening!

DRAFT Schedule & Rankings, Round 1!

The first draft of the schedule and rankings is online here!

Please look over the spreadsheet in detail and let me know ASAP if you see any issues or have any questions. My goal is to LOCK the schedule and rankings on Tuesday night, 5/10, so please send me comments before then.

The major change from the last time the PVI was run in 2019 is that there are no longer any crossover games at the end of the day on Saturday. The top 16 boys teams will be playing for the A division champs, 17 through 32 will be playing for the B division champs, and teams 33-37 will be setup with a slew of awesome opponents. The top 8 girls/non-binary teams will be playing for the A division champs and 9 through 19 the B division champs.

I have worked quite hard to create a schedule that is fair, equitable, and results in what I predict will be the maximum number of quality games. That being said, with an event of this complexity, I FULLY expect that draft 1 of the schedule will contain some glitches and may not yet be perfect! So, have at it — take a deep dive and PLEASE send me any and all comments you have by Tuesday evening.

In other news, here’s what our fields looked like this evening.

Can’t wait to see you all in action in less than a week!

  • Josh