Tag Archives: rostering

4/27 Update

Screen Shot 2014-04-27 at 11.20.58 AMProgress is being made with regards to team paperwork (#FALMOUTHROCKS), but lots of teams have a bunch of work to do before the 5/2 paperwork deadline. The process really, truly isn’t that hard as long as you do not wait until the last minute. Bad things, like being dropped from the event, can happen if you wait until the last minute.

Also, please make sure you also fill out the Dinner & Housing form by the 5/2 deadline. ALL teams need to fill out the form (once for each team) regardless of what your plans are for dinner or housing.

Please let me know ASAP if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. The best way to contact me is via email at josh@pvinvite.org.

The rostering system is live

The moment you have all been waiting for is finally here! The PVI2014 event is now online and active in the USAU rostering system:

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You can now login to the USAU system and complete all of your necessary event registration and paperwork as outlined on the Paperwork page.

PVI2014-Logo2Please note that all of the tasks outlined on the Paperwork page need to be completed by Friday, 5/2 @ 3pm. Also, by that same deadline, all teams need to fill out the dinner and housing information form.

Everything that’s outlined on the Paperwork page is not hard to complete as long as you do not wait until the last minute to start the process. So please, I implore you, get to work on the tasks ASAP.

I am here to help you out with the process in any way that I can. Please don’t hesitate to email me questions at josh@pvinvite.org.