An entire world built around ultimate.
What a place!
From all of the 125+ volunteers that make the PVI happen… thank you for coming out to the Oxbow for a truly magical weekend of awesome!
If possible, please forward this message to all members of your team.

1) We’d like everyone that attended the event — players, coaches, chaperones, spectators — to fill out this short online feedback survey. The information you submit will helps us build an even better event in 2020! We know that filling out feedback surveys can be a drag, but know that the best way for us to improve the event, by far, is to hear from you.
2) Mark your calendars for May 16th and 17th, 2020! That’s when we’ll be holding the 7th annual PVI! The event will be back at the Oxbow!
3) We’d love to see any and all photos and video that you took this weekend. You can email media and links to media to josh@pvinvite.org. You can also send files directly to us using this link.
4) Details regarding lost and found items will be online soon.
5) Please look over the reported game scores. Let me know via email (josh@pvinvite.org) if you see any numbers that aren’t right. At this point I have posted all submitted game scores as well as all spirit results.
6) All spirit scores are now online (XLS: Girls Division, Boys Division) and embedded below. I will be directly emailing each team their written comments in the next few weeks.
[Green means above average for the division and red means below average for the division. Orange means the high score for that column.]

Thank you again for attending the 6th annual Pioneer Valley Invitational!
See ya’ll on the field!
– Buffy & Josh