What a weekend.
Unreal spirit. Stellar competition. Perfect (!!) weather… wow.
Thank you, thank you, thank YOU, for making the PVI2024 so very special.
Y’all are awesome.
While the event is fresh in your mind, we’d appreciate it if you took a minute to fill out the Post-Tournament Survey. We’d love feedback from anyone that attended the event, or worked with any team that attended. The more feedback we get the better! Share this link with your whole team!
All game and spirit results are now online in the tournament spreadsheet. If you see anything that looks off, please let us know. All game results are also in the process of being posted on ScoreReport.net: Female-Matching games, Open games — Thanks to David Thompson for this work! He’d LOVE it if people could post the rest of their games this season on the system! He’s more than happy to help and answer questions about the ScoreReport.net system: dthompso@hotchkiss.org
Congratulations to the PVI2024 spirit award winners!
- FM-A: Cimes
- FM-B: Amherst GxJV
- Open A: Titane & Montclair V (Tie! Let Lee know what you’d like to do!)
- Open B: Cimes & Burr and Burton (Tie! Let Lee know what you’d like to do!)
- Open C: Montclair JV
Please email Lee (lee@technologyventuresinc.com) where you’d like your spirit award plaque sent and he’ll get it in the mail ASAP.
We’d love to see your tournament media! Email us links, or send media directly to josh@pvinvite.org. You can also upload media to us directly at this Dropbox link.
You can order PVI2024 merchandise directly from VC until May 26th right here!
Here are photos of everything that was in lost and found. If you see something you’d really like to get back, please email Lee (lee@technologyventuresinc.com). Items not claimed by Monday, 5/27 will be donated. We also found one set of AirPods, an Apple pencil, and a portable battery (white).
Mark your calendar: PVI2025 will take place on May 17th and 18th, 2025!
See you on the field.
- Josh & Lee