We now have 34 bids spanning 8 states and provinces! 12 female-matching teams and 22 open teams are so far gearing up for the 10th annual Pioneer Valley Invitational!
We fully expect to hit out cap of 72 teams this year, so if you’re planning on attending, please make sure to get your bid submitted and tournament fee sent in ASAP!
Please remember that bids are not complete until bid fees have arrived.
Lots and lots of information is online in the event FAQ.

Bids as of 12/10/24 @ 2pm:
Team | Division | City | State/Province |
Arlington | Female-Matching | Arlington | MA |
Bard | Female-Matching | Manhattan | NY |
Beacon | Female-Matching | New York | NY |
Cimes | Female-Matching | Montérégie | QC |
Lexington | Female-Matching | Lexington | MA |
Northampton JV1 | Female-Matching | Northampton | MA |
Northampton JV2 | Female-Matching | Northampton | MA |
Northampton V | Female-Matching | Northampton | MA |
Origine | Female-Matching | Québec City | QC |
Ruby | Female-Matching | Ottawa | ON |
Wicked East | Female-Matching | Ottawa | ON |
Wicked West | Female-Matching | Ottawa | ON |
Amherst BxJVA | Open | Amherst | MA |
ARMS | Open | Amherst | MA |
Bard | Open | New York | NY |
Beacon | Open | New York | NY |
Blaze | Open | Ottawa | ON |
Cimes | Open | Montérégie | QC |
Hartsbrook | Open | Hadley | MA |
Ignite | Open | Ottawa | ON |
Lexington JV | Open | Lexington | MA |
Lexington V | Open | Lexington | MA |
Middletown | Open | Middletown | CT |
Montclair JV | Open | Montclair | NJ |
Montclair V | Open | Montclair | NJ |
Montpelier | Open | Montpelier | VT |
Montpelier | Open | Montpelier | VT |
Needham JV | Open | Needham | MA |
Needham V | Open | Needham | MA |
Northampton JV | Open | Northampton | MA |
Northampton V | Open | Northampton | MA |
Origine | Open | Québec City | QC |
Pennsbury | Open | Fairless | PA |
Scorch | Open | Ottawa | ON |