We now have 51 bids spanning 9 states and provinces! 16 female-matching teams and 36 open teams are so far gearing up for the 10th annual Pioneer Valley Invitational!

We fully expect to hit out cap of 72 teams, so if you’re planning on attending, please make sure to get your bid submitted and tournament fee sent in ASAP!
Please remember that bids are not complete until bid fees have arrived.
Lots and lots of information is online in the event FAQ.
Also, we wanted to spread the word about some amazing classes being coordinated by long-time PVI supporter Tiina Booth! Here’s what Tiina has to say:
Hey PVI Teams!
I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Oxbow this spring but I wanted to make sure you knew about the 7 classes we are offering through the end of February. This is our fourth year of Frisbee School and our classes include a college panel for high school athletes, one on sports photography and how to succeed at tryouts. More info https://www.nutc.net/winter-courses. Please share with your team and ultimate community.
Also… NUTC registration opens on February 28, 2025. Join us for our 25th anniversary!!
Happy New Year!
Tiina Booth
Global Ultimate Training School
Amherst, MA

See you in spring!