3/4 Email Update

The following email was sent out to all teams on Tuesday, 3/4:

pvi2014-logoHello everyone,

You are getting this email because your team is somewhere in the process of completing the bid process for the 1st annual Pioneer Valley Invitational.

The Team Status page is now up to date. Please look it over.

Your team fall into one of three categories:

Confirmed = Your bid and check have arrived. Your spot at the event is 100% guaranteed.

Confirmed if check arrives in time = Your bid form has been received, but your check has not arrived. Your spot at the event is NOT guaranteed. Spots will now be confirmed as checks arrive.

Not confirmed = Neither your bid form or check have arrived. Please let me know by this Friday, 3/7 @ 6pm EST if you still plan on submitting a bid. After that time I will drop you from my lists if I have not heard from you.

Note: Confirmation of check receipt will next happen on 3/24. At that point teams will be officially confirmed based on the postage date of their check. The earlier they arrive in Easthampton, the higher the chances we’ll still have a spot for your team.

Let me know if you have any questions.

– Josh