A note about the weather

Yes, we are quite aware that there is some precipitation heading our way:

Screen Shot 2014-05-13 at 2.24.01 PM

Feel free to track the same pages we are:

Here’s what you need to know
1) It’s quite likely that we’re going to get a healthy amount of rain on Saturday, and a bit on Sunday. Please plan your gear accordingly.
2) It would take an utterly colossal amount of rain for the event to be in danger. The fields we’re on drain very well, and they are currently comfortably dry.
3) I will let you know via email the moment the weather even has any chance of impacting the schedule of the event.
4) There is no rain date. Well before we even get close to having to cancel the event, we’d modify the schedule.

Right now, we’re fine.

It’s going to be warm and the fields will be soft and a bit slick. #perfectforlayouts