May 16th Update

Less than 48 hours to first pull!

We’re now down to only two teams with roster issues! Yay! Let’s get it to 0 today!

TeamDivision# of unpaid players
BardOpen 2
GoldenOpen 1
Teams with roster issues as of 11:40am on 5/16

Important reminders from yesterday:

  • All teams need to have at least one of their chaperones/adults join the tournament text broadcast group. I’ll be using this text group to send out important messages. Please join by texting @pvi2024 to 81010.

And now a message from Sonia, Recycling and Compost Volunteer Coordinator:


We are looking forward to seeing you at the Pioneer Valley Invitational this weekend!  Every year we work to minimize our waste and environmental impact. Each person can help support this effort by taking a few simple steps (below). Please share these with your team and supporters as they prepare to join us:

FOOD:  Please bring as little individually packaged food as possible.  Beyond what we are offering at the main tent for free, please bring big bags and boxes to share, (especially without plastic packaging if possible). Please empty your pizza boxes in the compost bins and recycle the cardboard, etc.. 

DRINKS:  Please refrain from the use of single use bottles and cases of gatorade or water, whenever possible.  We will have plenty of water in coolers at the fields, and cold gatorade available continuously at tourney central.  We will also have reusable PVI water bottles for sale at the merch tent.  We hope to cut down on single use bottles at the tournament. 

TRASH/RECYCLING: Please do a trash sweep of your sideline each time you switch fields during the day.  At the end of each day, please bring trash/recycling bags to the dumpsters next to the main tent.  Please do not leave anything on the fields, including windblown tents.

COMPOST:  Please put compostable food products in the green bags we will be distributing, or in the compost bins at tourney central (not in the trash). This will save our volunteers from having to sort trash at the end of the tournament.

CARPOOLING:  If you can drive together, please do. The fewer cars and fuel, the better.

We will be sending around environmental ambassadors during the tournament to meet with your captains, coaches, and chaperones to support these efforts.  Together we can make PVI an example of how large youth sporting events can minimize waste and protect our environment for the benefit of our community and all living things. Thanks for your support and efforts towards this goal.