Program and Final Schedules

PioneerValleyAd_Portrait-01The finalized game schedules are now online:

Girls’ Division Schedule
Boys’ Division Schedule

The event program is also now online (PDF).

Please look over the schedules and event program in detail. In particular, all team leaders and coaches should make sure they are deeply familiar with the “Captains’ Meeting Notes” section of the program.

Here’s a short video outlining some important points about the event everyone should know:

Please remember:

1) Drive carefully and with extreme prudence on the last road leading to the fields, Island Road! The fields open at 7:15am.

2) All teams must check in at tournament central by 8:15am at the latest. This is when you’ll hand me dinner checks, show me medical authorization forms, and complete any other miscellaneous outstanding tasks.

3) Make absolutely sure your online USAU roster is squeaky clean. Delete players that aren’t coming. Make sure all of your players have paid their dues and signed the online waiver. A player must be fully rostered in order to be allowed to participate.