VC Merch! Drone footage! Pages!


Spirit score data is being crunched. In the meantime, here are some fun updates for y’all:

The items listed in VC Ultimate’s online store for the PVI has been updated to include all teams, including the ones that joined the tournament too close to the event to make the original gear run. Make sure to place your order before the deadline of May 22nd!

Also, if you’re interested in ordering a PVI2022 hoodie, please fill out this interest form before the May 18th deadline. VC needs to know if they’ll hit the 25 item minimum before they can make the item available online.

Thanks to Trevor Charles we managed to get some drone footage of the event we thought y’all would enjoy:

Due to the diligent and detailed work of Dave Thompson, PVI2022 results are now posted on Girls Division, Boys Divisions

Dave also wanted to pass on this message:

To all the teams that were at the PVI – I hope that you will find some use in scorereport, and that you will enter in all of your games and scores from this season.

If you click on your team name, you can access your schedule and enter in other games. See below for how to access your team record.

ScoreReport is a very, very useful tool, not just for seeding at tournaments, but to get a sense for how much youth ultimate is being played.

It also gives people at your school a sense of how “real” a sport Ultimate is. Just having a national rankings makes it feel more legitimate to a lot of people (I know, superficial, but still exciting). If all the schools you play use it, that would be great for you, and for the larger ultimate scene. The more games that are in the system, the more accurate the rankings are, as well.

Let me know if you have any questions!



Click here for information on how to use