4/28 Update

Screen Shot 2016-04-12 at 11.37.13 AMHousing assignments will start going out in the next 5-7 days.

The paperwork deadline is coming up tomorrow. Please take a minute to look over your paperwork status and make sure it matches where you think it should be. The spreadsheet was just updated.

In order to be cleared to play, a team must have an event roster that has at least one chaperone and 10 fully cleared players. A fully cleared player has paid their USAU membership dues and signed their online waiver.

The following teams are currently NOT cleared to play:

Team Division
Cape Elizabeth Girls
Montpelier Girls
Northampton JV Girls
Somerville Girls
Amherst JVB Boys
Concord-Carlisle A Boys
Concord-Carlisle B Boys
Hartsbrook Boys
Hopkinton Boys
Montreal Boys
Needham B Boys
Northampton JVA Boys
Northampton JVB Boys
VT Commons Boys
Worcester Boys

Please address your roster issues. Now.