Initial schedules online!

PVI2014-Disc-LogoThe preliminary schedules are now online: Girls Division, Open A & B Divisions. Please look them over and let me know if you see any issues. Theses schedule are NOT yet finalized. I reward people, well, for pointing out errors. [Good work! It only took 30 minutes to find the first error! :)]

The field map is also now online.

Executive scheduling summary: All 15 fields will be used during all 8 rounds for a grand total of 120 games.

The Girls division (16 teams) starts off with four pools of four. After pool play the top 2 teams from each pool will play in the 8-team champs bracket. The bottom two teams in each pool will play in the 8-team consolation bracket. Each team plays 3 games on Saturday and 3 games on Sunday.

The Open A division (16 teams) has the same schedule as the Girls division.

The Open B division (7 teams) will play in one pool of 7. After pool play, 1 will play 2, 3 will play 4, and 5 will play 6 to determine final positions. The team that finishes 7th after pool play will not have a 7th game. 6 teams (1st-6th) will play 7 games (3 on Saturday and 4 on Sunday) and one (7th) will play 6 games (3 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday)

5/13 Update

Good morning everyone! Here’s where we stand:

1) All team leader’s should make sure they read the captain’s meeting notes (PDF). Please email me ( if you have any questions.

2) Rosters are looking better and better every day! Please make sure you fully clean up your roster by 3pm tomorrow (Wednesday, 5/14). I’ve put a master roster export online for the entire event for easy checking. Several (cleared) teams have small items they need to fix. The following teams are not yet cleared:

You can check and see what items you are missing right here:

Berkshires Open
Cumberland Girls
John Jay Open
Lexington Girls
Longmeadow A Girls
Longmeadow B Open
Montpelier JV Open
Needham B Girls

3) Here is draft 2 of the tournament seedings. Let me know by Wednesday morning, 5/14, at 8am if you see any issues that need to be addressed. (Click on the images to enlarge.)

4) My goal is to post a first draft of the tournament schedule in the next 24 hours.

5) Please let me know ASAP if you have any questions. The best way to reach me is by email at

Spirit Rubric

Here is the 5-point spirit rubric we’d like teams to use when giving out spirit scores this weekend:

5 – Highest level of respect shown throughout game towards opponents, officials, and spectators. For the level of play, showed excellent knowledge of the rules and abided by them throughout the game. Any conflicts were resolved amicably and without incident. Opposing team’s conduct added to our enjoyment of the game. The opposing team unfailingly played fairly and with an excellent attitude.

4 – Respect shown throughout the game towards opponents, officials, and spectators. For the level of play, showed above average knowledge of the rules and abided by them throughout the game. Any conflicts were resolved favorably and without incident. Opposing team’s conduct did not detract from our enjoyment of the game. The opposing team played fairly and with a good attitude.

3 – Generally exhibited respect towards opponents, officials, and spectators. For the level of play, showed adequate knowledge of the rules and abided by them during the game. Any conflicts were resolved plainly and without incident. Opposing team’s conduct generally did not detract from our enjoyment of the game. The opposing team generally played fairly and with a decent attitude.

2 – Exhibited a lack of respect towards opponents, officials, and/or spectators. For the level of play, showed a lack of knowledge of or disregard for the rules at points during the game. Any conflicts were resolved heatedly or led to contentious incidents. Opposing team’s conduct detracted somewhat from our enjoyment of the game. The opposing team played unfairly and/or with a poor attitude.

1 – Exhibited a major lack of respect towards opponents, officials, and/or spectators. For the level of play, exhibited no knowledge of the rules or blatantly disregarded them during the game. Conflicts were resolved acrimoniously or led directly to contentious incidents. Opposing team’s conduct made the game basically unenjoyable. The opposing team played unfairly and their attitude was abysmal.

Not yet cleared to play

PVI2014-Logo2The following teams are not yet cleared to play. Remember, the absolute final rostering deadline is this Wednesday (5/14) at 3pm. Please make sure your roster is super shiny complete by that time. Delete players who are not coming. Make sure all players that are coming are on your roster. Complete team status can be viewed right here.

If you have questions about tasks you need to complete:
1) Check out the Paperwork page
2) Email me (… immediately

Not yet cleared to play:

Cumberland Girls
Lexington Girls
Longmeadow A Girls
Needham B Girls
Berkshires Open
John Jay Open
Longmeadow B Open
Montpelier JV Open

Coming soon:

1) Seedings: Round 2
2) The first draft of the game schedule

Also, by this point, all teams that requested housing should have received an email connecting them to their host. Please let me know if you have not received the email.

Oh, and the fields are looking great!

Quick Update

A few important updates:

1) All teams that requested housing on the Dinner & Housing form will receive housing! Emails connecting hosts to teams will start going out in the next 12 hours.

2) Games will start at 8:30am on Saturday and end by 5pm on Sunday. We will be posting a first draft of the game schedule in the next few days. Please make sure you report all of your game scores to

3) The Saturday night event schedule is as follows:
Showers: 5-8pm
Dinner: 6-8pm
Dance: 7-10pm
Social activities: 6-10pm
All Saturday night events take place at JFK Middle School.

Chaperone clearance tip

If you are a chaperone that has been pending for a long time in NCSI, log on to and click on “check your background screening status” and follow prompts. Sometimes NCSI requests additional information from chaperones but the email gets caught in junk mail. If you take care of submitting that additional info, checks typically clear within 1-2 business days after.

Cleared to participate

Help cheer up these puppies!

Help cheer up these puppies!

The following teams have been cleared to participate. If your team is not on the list, please look over the Team Status sheet to find out why. Look for red blocks.

The absolute deadline for modifying your roster is Wednesday, 5/14 at 3pm EST. By that time please make sure your roster is completely finished. Remove players that aren’t coming.

You must have an NCSI background checked chaperone and at least 12 rostered players to participate. Please let me know NOW if you think either of these requirements are going to pose a problem.

Amherst JVA Girls
Amherst JVB Open
Amherst JVB Girls
Attleboro Open
Beacon Girls
Cape Elizabeth Open
Concord-Carlisle B Open
Cumberland Open
Falmouth Girls
Falmouth Open
Montpelier V Open
Needham A Girls
Needham B Open
North Country Open
Ottawa Open
Ottawa Girls

An updated note about water

Potable drinking water: Of course there will be plenty of water for the players throughout the weekend. However, we do not have easy access to potable water sources and so ask your help in facilitating the “flow” of refilling water bottles. Each player should bring at lease one labeled (name of team and player) water bottle. Please come each morning with a full bottle of water.

We are in need of…

…additional 5 gallon water dispensers. If you can loan us one for the weekend, we’ll offer an extra loud cheer!!!! Contact Volunteer Director Melinda at if you have one to spare.