PVI2024 bids now being accepted!

We are excited to announce that bids are now being accepted for the 9th Annual Pioneer Valley Invitational!

Website: PVInvite.org
Date: May 18th and 19th, 2024
Divisions (12-16 teams per): Youth Female-Matching A, Youth Female-Matching B, Youth Open A , Youth Open B
Location: Oxbow Marina, Northampton, MA
Cost: $550 (Free if you fly in!)
USAU Sanctioned: Yes
Lined fields: Yes
Guaranteed # of games: 5, although most teams will get 6.

Team will be admitted on a rolling basis.

Here are some great reasons to attend the PVI2024!

And now a message from our AMAZING merchandise sponsor VC Ultimate!

The VC Ultimate team is proud to be back as the official merchandise sponsor for PVI2024! We’d love to see your team in VC uniforms at the tournament, too! To help make that happen, every team that submits a bid for PVI2024 will receive a free VC Card Membership. Just drop us a line at info@vcultimate.com and ask for a PVI VC Card Membership so you can start saving on everything from uniforms to discs to iconic custom VC Windbreakers!

VC jerseys are made from 100% recycled FlexLight material, rated UPF50 and a feature gender-free fits. Most importantly, VC is a company that puts community over profit and is ultimate’s most inclusive apparel provider, and has been helping making ordering uniforms easy since 1998. www.vcultimate.com