The tournament program is now online! Please make sure you read it over in detail.
It’s important that every team have as many people as possible sign up to receive tournament updates via text. Anyone can sign up by texting @pvi2018 to 81010.
An now a message from Tiina Booth!
Hello PVI players and coaches!
My name is Tiina Booth and I am one of the coaches of the UMass men’s team, as well as the director of the National Ultimate Training Camp. Welcome to the Pioneer Valley Invitational and we hope you are ready for an amazing weekend of ultimate!
Your team will receive a NUTC disc on Saturday morning and each disc has our summer schedule written on it. Please use and share this disc with your team. We will also have a NUTC Hospitality Tent set up and please stop by to say hi, hang out with campers and counselors and enjoy some special gifts.
Please also share this link with your team and parents for more info about camp.
Best of luck this weekend and please stop by and say hi!